Saturday 27 April 2019

Easter Exchange

I thought you might like to see the ornaments from the Easter Exchange at Needle craft haven
Here is the one I sent to Sue

And here is the lovely ornament and goodies I received from Deb


Mary said...

They are both very lovely finishes.

Julie said...

It was a great exchange, both are so lovely.

Leonore Winterer said...

Such different styles, but both are so beautiful!

butterfly said...

Beautiful Easter stitching.

Anonymous said...

Great gifts and such wonderful stitching .

Carol said...

Both are so pretty--I love the teeny, tiny bow on yours, Christine :) Happy May to you!

diamondc said...

Totally love the design you did for Deb, it is so cute with the ribbon bow.
Lovely design from Deb, I love the daffodil.


Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Lovely exchange and beautiful photos too!

Astrids dragon said...

Both are beautiful pieces, what a fun exchange!