Monday 8 April 2019

Better Late Than Never

My finish for the Winter Challenge at Needlecraft Haven that is. It should have been finished by the end of February.
We had a choice of a Christmas or a Non-Christmas design, and I went for the Non-Christmas one, a sweet little bullfinch from Aliolka (Chart here, there is also a Bluetit, which I might go back and do later)

I finished it off as a small pillow with a log cabin style mis-matched fabric border
At least I'm up to date on my Temperature SAL...


Clare-Aimetu said...

Great challenge piece Christine, your temperature colours look great, it is so interesting to see how much our temperatures change each day.

Anonymous said...

Your winter challenge piece is lovely! The temperature SAL is always wonderful to see as they are all so different.

butterfly said...

Lovely pillow stitch .

Julie said...

The pillow looks so different in that colourway.

Carol said...

Your fabrics are absolutely perfect with your pretty stitching, Christine--lovely finish!

diamondc said...

I love the pillow, the coordinating fabric is perfect.
Your SAL is lovely, the colors are so pretty together.


Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

That's a great little pillow finish. The backing fabrics are perfect for the stitching colours.

Nice work on the Temperature SAL too. I decided against doing one this year as it would have compelled me to do one every year!

Bethan said...

A lovely challenge piece, with really pretty colours x

Leonore Winterer said...

What a cute finish! It's pretty no matter the season. I need to catch up on the Temperature SAL!

Astrids dragon said...

What a great finish! I love the fabric you chose to go with it, it's perfect.