Sunday 31 July 2016

Pinterest Project Time

Anyone who reads this blog regularly will know I'm all about the Pinterest. I'm always finding ideas, projects or recipes on there to try.
With wildly varying degrees of success.
There have been pinfails, too painful to share. Yes, cheese and pear tart, I am talking about you.
But there have also been minor successes, and I've had a couple of those this week.
The first pin that inspired me was of  a pyramid shaped zipped pouch (tutorial at handmadiya) made from upcycled jeans.
Upcycled jeans, honestly, how could I resist? Here is my version.

I tweaked the tutorial slightly so that the zip was attached on the outside, because I had a pretty lace effect zip and I wanted to show it off. The two panels of cream lace either side of the zip are also upcycled. I'll let you guess from what. (Hint: what garment might have two matching curved lace panels?)
My second pin find was this beautiful illustration of Daenerys by Marta Deer. I am in awe of  this lady's work.
I used the original artwork as my inspiration for this drawing in pastel pencils on dark paper.

The dragon scale effect is made the same way as Naomi's scale effect makeup in the last post, by dabbing colour through a pair of stretched fishnet tights. Not something I'd ever thought of keeping in my art box before...

Sunday 24 July 2016

Carnival Time!

Last weekend saw the annual village carnival and I thought I'd share  a few pictures.

Only at Carnival would you see a Roman Centurion waiting for an Electric bus.
Here is our car all dressed up and looking pretty ready for for the parade

We got third place in our class, but don't get too excited, there were only three entries.
And here is Naomi in her "Beached Mermaid" costume.

Let's have a close up look at the scale effect make up and the fishhook prosthetic she made

Gruesome huh?
She didn't win any prizes but I think maybe the idea was a little too "out there" for a small village carnival

Friday 15 July 2016

Gifted Gorgeousness July

July already! And it's time for another Gifted Gorgeousness as organised by Jo at Serendipitous Stitching.
You all know the drill by now. The post has to involve a gift in some (frequently tenuous) way.
This month I'm showing this top I made. It counts for two reasons.
1) I made it for Eloise
2) The pattern (New Look 6483) was a cover gift with Sew Magazine.
This is the sleeveless version, view D. The pattern itself was easy enough but the fabric (a Chinese style brocade) was very slippery and frayed like mad, so if I make her any more they will probably be in a nice forgiving cotton.
This is Naomi modelling it as Eloise isn't here, so it looks a little loose on her because she's a size smaller.

Also I'm not sure if this counts as a crafty gift, but Naomi did this henna for me