Saturday 16 January 2021

New Year - New Gifted Gorgeousness

 The first Gifted Gorgeousness of 2021. And also my first post since the last GG of 2020. Whoops.

For more details of Gifted Gorgeousness please see Jo's blog here

So many gifts to show this time around as both my Birthday and Christmas have fallen in the last month.

For my Birthday I received some wonderful gifts, including these wonderful hand knitted gloves from Julie and  a set of really useful bookmarkers from Clare. (I don't know why it's flipped this photo over, you'll just have to lean your heads!)

and my friend made me this stunning runner

At Christmas I was just as lucky receiving these amazing goodies from lovely stitching friends 

Clockwise from the top - chocolate  and star shaped ornament from Julie, square ornament from Mary, stitched coaster from Clare and bundle of sparkly fat quarters from Karan
And this fabulous book from Barb

My daughters bought me this funky sewing themed fabric and rainbow sewing shears

As well as the usual geeky haul

a Marvel Heroes "Pin-up Boys" calendar, a "Sexy Jean-Luc" mouse mat, and a cat's backsides colouring book!
I was also lucky enough to win a pre-Christmas Instagram giveaway and recieved these two wonderful prints 

The "Wonderful" poster is from Pengelly Art, and the awesome "Penguin in a Jumper" Lino Print is from Liquorice Lino
I kind of dropped the ball with the gifts I made for people, and completely forgot to get pictures of most of them. I made quite a few roll up "tool pouches" for friends and family, some with sewing accessories and some with make up brushes. I didn't photograph them all, but here are the two I made for my girls.

I made a set of table mats for my Sister and Brother-in-law. I forgot to photograph them too, but she sent me this picture to show that her cat approves

Well that about wraps it up for the GG part of the post. The other thing is my annual Finishes/Reads/Shoes tally. It was a bit skewed for last year as you might imagine, but the final total was 95 finishes, 37 books and one pair of shoes. Nobody guessed anything like that (not surprising) but Julie was closest to the number of finishes (she guessed 104) so I'll pop a little prize in the post at some point. I've re-set the counter, so feel free to have a guess for 2021.