Sunday 3 October 2010


According to the seed packet "Huckleberries are delicious in pies, ice cream, jam, jellies and pies". According to the recipes I tracked down on the internet huckleberries are interchangeable for blueberries in recipes.
Naomi lovingly made a batch of Blueberry Huckleberry Muffins and


They are absolutely revolting! Beelzebub himself could not have devised a more repulsive fruit.
Its a good job we tried them in the conservatory, which has a stone floor, or I'd be cleaning spat-out-huckleberry stains off my carpet right now.
We fed the rest of the muffins to the birds.
I'm not sure they were too impressed either.

I have since discovered that the garden huckleberry (Solanum melanocerasum), is a completely different species to the wild huckleberry, to which, presumably, the internet recipes refer. Shame they didn't mention that handy little snippet of information on the seed packet.
The Garden Huckleberry is apparently "very sour" and not to be eaten raw. No kidding!
I've got pounds of the evil little beggars in the garden. I am assured that they will indeed make excellent jam, however I seriously doubt my ability to persuade my family to ever try it, or any other new fruit or vegetable for that matter.

On a less sour note I finished my monthly ornament SAL :-
Not so much an early finish for October as a late one for September but a finish is a finish!


Linda said...

A large quantity of sugar, as used to make jam, can work wonders.
Just thought I might mention that. :-)

Daffycat said...

Oh no! How horrible!


Dani - tkdchick said...

Your ornament for this month is lovely... wait a minute, isn't that your design????

Sally said...

Your ornament is gorgeous Christine.

Oh yuck the huckleberries sound disgusting!

Julie said...

Don't think we'll be giving these a go at the allotment then, what a hsaqme after you have nurtured them from seed to fruit

The ornament is lovely, i do like the beady tassel

Karan said...

Thanks for the warning - they won't be gettign any garden room here. LOL Gorgeous ornie finishes & I love your recycled goodies - very inventive. Really enjoyed my catch up. :0)

Katherine said...

Oh, my gosh! That was SO funny!

Mylene said...

Sorry to hear about the huckleberries, love the ornament finish though, it is beautiful!