Sunday 1 December 2019

Online Advent Calendar Blog Hop Day 1

Hello and welcome to Day 1 of this year's Advent Calendar Blog Hop. For the list of participating blogs please see the Advent Calendar page on Jo's blog.

I thought you might like to see this embroidery that I finished a couple of days ago. The design came as a printed outline on fabric from Anne Brooke (H-Anne Made) here. Such a pretty design and  I love that you can use your own threads and stitches and make it completely unique to you. As you can see I made mine look like a Winter Robin and it's very different from the one on Anne's website

For the second part of the Advent Blog Hop Jo has asked us to talk about our favourite Christmas film. Well I don't know about anyone else but Christmas doesn't start properly in our house until we've sat down with some Gluhwein and watched Love Actually.
There are so many priceless moments in that film that it is hard to choose a favourite to share with you, but here is Billy Mack singing "Christmas Is All Around"

So if you really love Christmas, come on and let it snow


FlashinScissors said...

Beautiful stitching Christine! I love your Robin!
I enjoyed listening to the tune with Bill Nighy.
Oooh, it’s beginning to feel a bit like Christmas!!!
Barbara xxx

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Thanks for taking part in the Advent Calendar this year and starting the season off with your wonderful little robin.

And a rom-com - how un-Christine-like!

Katie said...

What a beautiful piece. Just gorgeous indeed. Thanks for sharing your movie choice.

diamondc said...

Your design is beautiful, I love the colors used.

Merry Christmas

A Patchwork of Crafts said...

Thank you for sharing and getting us started for this year.

Carol said...

What a lovely piece this is, Christine--I do love anything with birds :) And your film is one of my favorites, too!

Barb said...

Your stitched piece is just beautiful!! I love the pretty Fall colors!

gracie said...

Your choice of colors and stitches are perfect. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Your embroidery is beautiful! Love the colors you have used.
Merry Christmas!

Mary's Thread said...

What a beautiful stitch! It is so wintery nostalgic! I love it! Merry Christmas!

Elfie said...

Such a pretty stitched piece. I love the robin. Love Actually is also a favourite of mine.
Merry Christmas!

Leonore Winterer said...

I love your version of the robin, great work :)

Astrids dragon said...

Your Robin looks so beautiful, you certainly made him your own.
I know I've seen Love Actually, but it's been so long ago I think I need to watch it again.

Susan said...

Love your embroidery piece. I love English robins - wish we had some here.

Beth in IL said...

Love the little embroidery piece. Bravo!

DJ said...

Oh goodness, I love your little robin! Well done!! It really shows your talent with all those different stitches. I've never seen the movie you are talking about, I'll have to go look for it I go! Merry Christmas!

Clare-Aimetu said...

Beautiful stitching Christine, great movie too 🙂

Sheryl said...

A beautiful design and choice of colours and stitches, lovely. Happy Christmas

Ariadne said...

Such a lovely piece, thanks for the link, I will look at it. Hope you have a great time till and at Christmas. AriadnefromGreece!

jocondine said...

Totally fan of those hoops framed stitchings, nice chart with lovely flowers and robin designs. xxx

Shelly said...

Oh my, your embroidery piece is just beautiful! The reds and golds sure do meld together nicely. I'll add this movie onto my list that I have going from all the blog hoppers!

beadgirl said...

What a beautiful embroidered bird! I hope you have a lovely Christmas.

Kaisievic said...

Your Robin is so sweet! I love Love Actually, too. Merry Christmas to you and yours. XXX