The second parcel came from Katherine, and contained these fabulous vintage feedsack fabrics. I am really going to have fun with these, they're gorgeous.
If that wasn't enough however, Katherine generously included this chart that she designed some years ago, long before she knew that I lived within a stone's throw of some of the places mentioned in the design. Just wow Katherine! I love it.
It's reveal day for the Needlecraft Haven Monthly Challenge. This month we stitched this design from Threadwork Primitives. I changed mine up a little bit by substituting a few speciality stitches, and finished it as a small pillow. I thought it looked a bit plain so I fastened one of my collection of vintage brooches to it to jazz it up a bit. I like the effect so much I think it might end up being used to store/display some of them in my bedroom. I changed the date to 1813 and the initials to EB and FD as well.Five bonus litterati points to anyone who can tell why without scrolling down to the clue at the end of the post.
As for the experiment in upcycling, here is a second hand tablecloth I picked up recently.
And here it is again as a skirt. The jury is out on this one. I really like it, and think it looks pretty and summery, David thinks it still looks like a tablecloth, and Naomi's reaction was "No Mum, just no!". I'd appreciate honest opinions here, don't worry about hurting my feelings, as you can see the family don't!
And finally the clue I mentioned
As if I needed any excuse to put up a picture of Colin Firth in a wet shirt.
PS Go the The Victorian Motto Sampler Shoppe for a great giveaway
Love the skirt--maybe they don't like it bc they know it started as a tablecloth!!! And we do love lizzie and darcy.....
You received some very nice packages, your little pillow is adorable. As for the skirt, while it may not be my style I do think it was a great upcycling idea.
very pretty skirt..
sweet stitching..
love for you x
You know I haven't cheated because I guessed on the Haven Forum already! I did not know his first name though. I had to check that.
The skirt is too pastel for how I imagine you dressing. Just my opinion! The earrings are more "you" so you may wear those while blogging.
I know, I know, P and P published and initials of the two chief characters! Mm, sorry, Christine, um, back on the table, agree with Jo re colour, you are a bolder soul! Love the ear rings and the fabric.
I really like the skirt - definitely something I would wear!
You always amaze me with your up cycling, you have great vision with your ideas.
Lovely earings, congrats on the win.
Loved your challenge finish, i saw Jo's comment at NH so knew who it was, but appreciate the Colin Firth clue pic ... mmm i'll be dreaming about him all day now.
I like the skirt, maybe with a darker coloured top though
Oh Fitzwilliam Darcy - alias Colin Firth yes I did get the answer. Not forgetting Elizabeth Bennet .How many women are swooning over your picture Christine.
Skirt, again like many do not think it is a bold enough colour for you. Well done on your wins. I loved the pincushion in your previous post. Sorely tempted to try that.
ohhh dear wiping drool up of the keyboard now ... knew the initials but didn't see him till the end *sigh feeling rather faint now ....
love the earring's and like the skirt but have to agree you seem to be a more brighter bolder person :)
off to go and fan myself love mouse xxxxx
Are they objecting because they KNOW it's a tablecloth? I think it's pretty and if you hadn't told me it was from a tablecloth, I'd have never known. If Scarlet O'Hara can wear curtains, baby, you can wear a tablecloth!
Congrats on the win. Love how you finish off the Needlecraft Haven design, lovely!
The skirt turned out pretty well!!
The earrings are fabulous.
I would almost kill for the feed sacks.
The skirt has potential; I have no idea what your family is talking about.
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