I have just discovered I can buy Rington's Tea online. I have so missed getting my tea delivered since I moved down south, but no more! No more bland Supermarket Tea! No more pining for the Tea Man! No more ringing my mum and begging her to send tea packages! I got so excited I ordered three different types of tea and two caddies (but I was very good and didn't order the caramel wafers).
I've been in a finishing mood today. I got my August Challenge from the Jaynes Attic Forum finished. This month the design was from A Mon Ami Pierre. Mine is stitched in Gentle Art Shaker colours on 32 count raw linen and I finished it as a pinkeep, but there are plenty of much more imaginative finishes in the album. Looking forward to September's challenge now.
I also made up this little pinkeep. This is NOT a frog (honest). This is "Tiny Toad" a free design from The Cricket Collection. He is stitched in random bits of leftover threads, and it is my first attempt at a gathered ribbon trim. I'm not 100% happy with it, but its OK, and I think it kind of suits him.
OOOOh Ringtons Tea, I remember it well from my childhood in South Shields... and thanks for the link, they deliver in Shropshire! YEAH!
Lovely stitching and I love the frog ooops sorry 'toad' rofl
Love your finishes, that tiny toad is a sweetie and your ribbon trim looks great and it definitley suits him.
Cute little toad! The trim is perfect for it.
I actually Love the ribbon trim...
And think that you have done an wonderful job with it...
And your "toad" sure looks cute also!
By the way... Thanks for stopping by.
I now got the cross-stitch bug and got myself some mags and bits to start doing it again.
I`m hoping to do a book mark first.
Which it will be nice and easy to do.
I will speak to you again, soon!
Debbie Moss
Love your SAL challenge Christine. The colours are so pretty. I didn't get around to stitching this one but I still want to stitch it at some point.
Love the toad! lol!
Gorgeous finishes, I love the colours on the Monthly Challenge and Mr Toad is a little tinker....
Thanks for the Rington's link - not a tea drinker but some of those coffees sound great. :0)
Gorgeous finishes! Love the subtlety of the Shaker threads & the toad is a real fun piece. :0)
How cute, love your froggy, he looks a nice guy not a naughty one LOL
The challenges this month were really pretty, love your colour choices
Both finishes looks great!! I do love the ribbon trim too.
your toad is "toadally" adorable!!!
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