I've had more frogs in this project than I care to think about, but it is finally finished.
Here is the Year of the Dragon "Dragon Ball Ornament" (pattern from Yasuko at Y's Small Gallery.)
The tassel is from a box of chocolates
Recently both Debbie and Katherine have been kind enough to award me the Leibster Blog award.
Liebster is a German word meaning favorite, dearest, or beloved and the Liebster is awarded to new bloggers with less than 200 followers.
The award asks that you pass it on to five further bloggers. I am flattered and overwhelmed that anyone would think my blog was worthy of an award, but I hope neither Debbie or Katherine will be offended if I don't pass the award on in the traditional sense, as I never know who to choose or, more to the point, who to miss out. If I read or comment on your blog then I think you are a winner, so consider yourselves all nominated.
The award also asks you to reveal 5 random things people might not know about you which is a bit easier to do so here goes:-
1) I have tiny feet (size 3) and sometimes buy children's shoes to avoid the VAT
2) I adore football (soccer, not that strange rugby-like game they play in the US), I used to have a season ticket at Roker Park when I lived nearer, and I've been to matches at most of the major cities in England, plus a couple of places abroad
3) I've got a PhD in Physical Chemistry (specifically NMR Studies on Biological Macromolecules)
4) My favourite TV comedy is The Big Bang Theory. It is frighteningly accurate (see item 4 above)
5) I share a birthday with my husband. Someone once asked, on discovering that fact, "Gosh, what are the odds of that?" Ermm, 1 in 365. (Well assuming it isn't 29th Feb)
I'm making myself one.
Just call me Ensign Ro.