Did you miss me? No, thought not. The summer seems to have mostly escaped me, I'm not sure where it went.
Since I last posted I've been busy dealing with various family issues that I won't bore you with, we've been away on holiday, had our silver wedding anniversary, and I've just not found the time to blog, so this is a bit of a a catch up post.
Lets start with the holiday. We went to the Lake District and stayed near Windermere.
The scenery was stunning and I could post pictures for hours, but I'll stick to just a couple. This is is Blea Tarn.
And here we see the mist rolling atmospherically over the hills (ie the weather was a bit iffy at times).
This is part of a large standing stone circle that dates back to Druidic times.
On a crafty note, when I got home from holiday I found this stunning pillow waiting for me as an exchange gift from Donna (no blog that I am aware of). It is completely gorgeous and almost all stitched over 1.
And here is a little project I made following a tutorial I found here via The Graphics Fairy. One slightly boring old plant pot transformed; by the miracle of a squirt of mod podge and a French typography image from The Graphics Fairy; into a little bit of vintage chic.