...at least the sun is shining, I can see the starts of daffodils poking through, and the frogs have started spawning. The pond only thawed out on Friday and there is a big mound of spawn in the middle of it already. Randy little buggers!
A couple of weeks back Polly posted a picture on her blog of some scarves she'd knitted using Rico's Pompon yarn, and it inspired me to grab the ball I'd bought out of curiosity and try knitting a scarf from it. It was such fun to knit, and the resulting scarf was so soft and cosy, that I promptly went out and bought another ball in a different colour, and I am LOVING this new one. I can see me knitting a few of these as the girls have their eyes on them too.
Speaking of the girls we bought the fabric for Eloise's prom dress yesterday. How old does that make me feel? Eloise has her prom this year! Anyway its a kind of peacock blue colour ~ think Anchor 170, and we are planning to overlay the skirt with black chiffon and trim it with jet Swarowskis. Watch this space as they say.