Sunday 15 November 2015

A Holiday and Gifted Gorgeousness - November Edit

Gifted Gorgeousness is a SAL organised by Jo of Serendipitous Stitching. On the fifteenth of each month we post about something craft and gift related.
Sally very kindly gifted me this lovely LHN chart "Potted Poinsettia"

I was hoping to have it finished and re-gift the chart in this post but that didn't happen. Stitching time was curtailed this month by a mini-break to Prague. If you've never been I recommend it, it's a beautiful city. Here are a few pictures.

And finally in other craft news, I made another Pinterest inspired felt ornament. This one is supposed to be a Nativity

I believe there may be a special level of hell reserved for those of us who succeed in making the infant Jesus look like some kind of elaborate sea slug.


Julie said...

Welcome home from your little break away.
Nice win from Salky.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE that felty nativity. Me wants one.....

Julie said...

P.s. If I'm your partner in the exchange your ornament is made roflol. Xxxxx

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Thanks for taking part in GG this month. Prague looks lovely and is a great excuse for not much stitching.

The holy sea slug looks fine too.

Marie said...

Haha, doesn't look like a sea slug but that statement did make me laugh.
I have never been to Prague. Thanks for sharing the pics. I especially love the composition of the 2nd one, very clever shot.

I lok forward to seeing Potted Poinsettia completed.

Ali said...

Lol your description of your nativity had me in kinks! Your being a wee bit harsh on yourself though I think baby Jesus just looks very snugly. I've not been to Prague either but would love to go one day especially after seeing your pics

Preeti said...

Your felt finish looks cute !! Nice to know you had a great mini break. Lovely pics :)

Elfie said...

Your photos of Prague are so lovely that I immediately felt the desire to visit. Maybe one day I will be able to see its beauty for myself. Your handiwork is lovely.

Mylene said...

Beautiful pics of your break in Prague.
Felt finished looks so cute!

Annie said...

You really made me laugh with that sea slug comment. I love when crafters don't take themselves too seriously.

Looks like you had a nice break to visit Prague. Pretty pix.

Wendy said...

Prague is a beautiful city. I'm not religious but i your nativity ornament

Wendy said...

Prague is a beautiful city. I'm not religious but i your nativity ornament

Sally said...

I love the sea slug, er nativity! Your description made me giggle!

Prague looks beautiful.

Enjoy stitching the chart :)