Look at the cute little Sith Lord, couldn't you just hug him?
And his dear little Death Star.
And he really did have cookies too, yummy Marks and Spencer cookies! Thank you Jo I love it!
I also won some floss from The Victorian Motto Sampler Shoppe. The picture hasn't quite got the colour right, it's more beige than that. It's gorgeous, and I will have to pick a special project to do it justice.
I found myself with some unexpected free time yesterday, so I decided to make myself one of those bib necklaces that are all over Pinterest at the moment. (I know, I shouldn't look!)
I was feeling very springlike so I went for fresh zesty citrus colours and I love how it turned out.
Do you want a quick "How to"? Of course you do. You'll need some coloured felt, ribbon, buttons and beads.
I followed the basic method described by Michele at The Scrap Shopppe using a mixture of buttons including some yummy spots and stripes, rather than all the same colour, and adding in some sweet little polka dot bows and three felt flowers, and stitching in grosgrain ribbon instead of chain to hang it by. I'm linking this up to Think Pink Sundays at Flamingo Toes
Aha, but how do you make the flowers I hear you cry! Nothing simpler.
Start with a strip of felt. These ones were cut to the very precise and technical measurement of the length of the felt square by the width of my ruler ;D
Fold it in half and catch the long edges together with a running stitch very near the edge (try to take a tiny stitch on one side and a long one on the other so the stitches won't show on the finished flower.
Snip it into a fringe, being careful not to cut the row of stitching. The closer together your snips are the narrower your petals will be. I cur at approx 1/8 inch intervals for the yellow flower and 1/4 inch for the orange flowers.
Roll it up tightly catching it in place with tiny stitches as you go, until you think it is big enough, cut off the excess fringe, flip it over and tada!
The leaves on the orange flowers were just made by adding a final ring of green fringe.
Want a bigger flower? Cut a bigger strip.
Feeling confident? There are variations.
Start with a trapezoidal strip of felt, this one used a piece about 12 inches long, 4 inches wide at one end tapering to about 2 inches at the other, and cut the fringe wider at the narrow end gradually making it narrower as the folded strip gets wider to give this chrysanthemum like flower.
Phew! This seems to have got a bit long, so I'll save my garden pics for next time!
Lovely necklace, so pretty!
I love your present, it's great!
That floss is very nice!
So clever, I like the felt flowers. Your prizes are very nice. Lucy you, I never am selected for prize draws; I might have a chance if it something I can control like making comments. But maybe people don't like my comments. :-D
Congrats on your prizes. Absolutely love the necklace. Thanks for sharing how it was made.
Your necklace turned out SUPER cute!!! I'm loving the vibrant colors and mixed media. Sharing on my Facebook page! :)
That necklace is so fun and creative, Christine and your Darth Vader is adorable (even though Darth doesn't want to be adorable, I'm sure!!).
Lovely gift from Jo, perfect for you.
Stunning necklace, thanks. For the tutorial, I think even I could manage that.
Oh nice gift Christine,almost worth going over to the dark side.
You really are such a clever lady.
I am having real problems with my sheep ,not such a clever lady.
Awesome prize from Jo! And cookies too ~ yum!
Love the spring necklace!
Squee I loooove your cookie box!!!!
A lovely gift from Jo - you are so lucky. Cute necklace!
Very clever with the felt flowers, lovely as well as the necklace.
And such great gifts received!
You did get a very nice present from Jo, its wonderful !!
So pleased that you liked it! I meant to say the Death Star was the mystery hint I gave a few posts back when you couldn't guess what I was stitching from the reverse of the project!
I had a little giggle to myself then.
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