The fabulous retro kitchen mixer print and pattern are to make an apron for Naomi (she loves 50's kitsch), and the Paris street map print and B-feature horror movie print are to make skirts for Eloise (Its got a vampire on it, 'nuf said!)
Fabrics are from here and here, and I can thoroughly recommend both shops.
Lovley fabrics Christine - I agree with you about the magazine, picke dup a copy on Sunday and I love it.
I like the Paris street fabby the best. Can't wait to see the finished items!
What lovely fabrics you've ordered Christine. Looking forward to see what you make from them.
Just been and placed an order Christine with FI thanks for the link . Some really unusual fabrics .
Superb, can't wait to see your models wearing their new goodies
Great fabrics Christine.
I'm lovin' that retro kitchen fabric! Can't wait to see the apron you make out of it! :)
What neat fabbies!!!
Looking forward to seeing what you make with the fabrics. Barb's beaded amulet purse is fabulous. Loved my catch up & seeing all the loveliesyou've been making. :0)
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