Wednesday 15 May 2019

Gifted Gorgeousness - May

OK, who stole the first half of May? I'm sure it was there a minute ago. So it would seem it's time for Gifted Gorgeousness again, the time when we show off our gift related crafting. For a full description of how it all works, and to join in the fun, see Jo's blog here
So this month I have a few things to show.
You might remember that last year I made Naomi a skirt using a Botticelli print in a very fine semi-sheer cotton lawn, well she decided she'd like a sheath type dress in the same fabric to wear over a little black bodycon dress, so here is the Primavera Dress.


Botticelli panels from Stitch Fabrics, pattern Simplicity 8293, adapted to omit the centre back seam, and bind the neck with a satin bias instead of using a facing which would have shown through.


Next we have an organiser bucket bag I made for a friend of mine for her birthday

The girls are doing a grand tour of Europe (well bits of it anyway) in the summer so I'm making them a sundress each. This is the first one, in the fabric Naomi picked. Eloise's isn't finished yet so I'll show that next month.

Fabric is an Indian block-printed cotton, pattern is New Look 6491

As a bonus gift for me (shoehorn alert), Naomi decided she didn't care for the first fabric she chose once it had arrived - the perils of on-line shopping - so I made myself a top rather than wasting it

I think that's about it for this month. 


Julie said...

Lots of fabulous makes for you all this month Christine, poor David, he didn't get anything lol

cheryl said...

Beautiful sewing!

Elfie said...

That dress is stunning - and all your creations are beautiful.

Leonore Winterer said...

Great sewing! That Botticelli dress is very bold - I think I'd be too chicken to wear something like that, but I do admire it!

Ariadne said...

So many sewn things but I especially love the Boticelli dress! AriadnefromGreece!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Thanks for taking part in GG this month.
You make so many stunning clothes but that first dress is really beautiful.
Yes, hand-me-on fabrics count as gifts too!

diamondc said...

Oh my gosh you have been busy, what a beautiful print to give her for her dress.
Love the bag.


FlashinScissors said...

Fabulous makes, Christine!
I especially like your bonus blouse, very pretty fabric, hope you don’t mind me asking what pattern did you use? And what type of fabric was it? That’s a style I could definitely see myself wearing, although I would need a camisole too, tee hee!
Love the organiser bucket too! You do find some gorgeous fabrics!
Barbara xx

jocondine said...

So nice dresses, amazing fabric, love the Boticelli one but must say that Naomi choose a lovely design. xxx