Friday 22 January 2016

A Rose in Winter

Not, admittedly, the most spectacular rose I've ever seen, but flowering. In my garden. In January.

The frogs are spawning too, spring must be coming.


Carol said...

Wow! A January rose! I think I need to move to Cornwall :)

Kerryp77 said...

i saw two in bud Wednesday - covered in heavy frost. It was rather strange. The seasons are so odd these days

Cindy's Stitching said...

yellow roses are my favorite color rose. a beautiful rose.

cucki said...

Yellow roses are my fav too :)
So pretty x

Mylene said...

Lovely rose! yeah, weather is odd these looks so springlike, some trees having new leaves are coming out.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Wow, are you in the Gulf Stream?

Julie said...

Blimey... that's good even for you southerners who miss the cold spells.

Kaisievic said...

Lovely rose, mine are doing very well at the moment, too but, of course January is the middle of summer here in Oz - lol!

Bea said...

Any rose that blooms in January is spectacular! Love yellow roses.

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

WOW...January roses!

Mary - Lecoeurceltique said...

Yellow roses are lovely, but in January? Here's hoping you will still have some roses in your garden later in the year.

BluMoon said...

How lovely a yellow rose must mean spring is just around the corner! I only have snowdrops and primroses out although the primroses have been out for a few weeks now, of course I am in Devon and today is milder out than indoors lol!

Brigitte said...

A rose in January, in your garden - very special.