Sunday 16 August 2015

August Gifted Gorgeousness

August is a busy month for me, loads of weddings together with the annual Village Show of which I am secretary don't leave me much time for crafting so I don't have very much to show for this month's Gifted Gorgeousness as hasted by Jo of Serendipitous Stitching.
I did run up this little elephant from and old pillowcase though, following a tutorial I found here, and since I've given him to Eloise I guess he counts.

And here is a quick snap from the show.

I didn't grow any of these, my garden is largely full of weeds. I mostly enter on the Art and Handicrafts side. This year I entered various bits and pieces I've shown on here before, including my upcycled denim apron, one of my little purses and a patchwork bag, and managed to amass enough points to win the cup for most points in handicrafts. Yay me :)


Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Cute Elly, thanks for taking part in GG this month with him.
You should enter your wildflower garden in Most Natural Garden next year!

rosey175 said...

Cute elephant and lovely veggies! The onions in cups amuse me.

Julie said...

Well done on winning the cup.... very well deserved.
Cute little elephant.

Preeti said...

Cute elephant!!:) It must be interesting to both organise and participate in a show.

Mary - Lecoeurceltique said...

Cute elephant. I shall have to check out that tutorial. Well done on winning the cup.Do we not get to see it :) ?

Kaisievic said...

That is such a cute elephant, and made from a pillowcase - very cute!. Well done on your wins in the show.

Sally said...

Sweet elephant Christine.

Congratulations on winning the cup!