When I bought the panel I used for
this bag, I couldn't resist buying another design as well. Here it is made up into a cushion complete with super duper orange pompom trim. (Hello, my name is Christine and I am a pompomoholic)
Fabic panel from
Cat & Vee.
DH had some less than tactful things to say about how much we
didn't need another @#$* cushion.
It now lives on his pillow.
Mine is an evil laugh...

And here is some bunting I knitted (mostly because I'm rubbish at crochet)
What is it about men and cushions? Bathe WT is just the same.....as soon as he sits down they are all pitched on the floor. Love the sentiment.
Bathe? Meant to be The......
That cushion is awesome Christine - my husband says exactly the same thing about cushions......... :)!
Love that cushion! I need to start making some...
Love your cushion and the bunting is so colorful and pretty!!:) My husband, no matter how much he wants to say, is not allowed to say anything for cushions. He fears I will rebel and will get even more:) the cushions though get stacked on near by chair or even on the carpet when he needs more space on the sofa to sit.
I am the odd one out when it comes to cushions! I do believe my husband could be buried in them quite happily whereas I don't like having to move things to sit down haha :D
Do love the bunting, especially the little tassels. I've often considered making one but I don't know what to do with them!
Those little pompoms are perfect for the design, it looks very 1970's, love it!
Great bunting.
my husband doesn't tend to notice things like cushions so I can just keep on sneaking them in! Love that knitted bunting! Are you leaving it in the garden?
Too funny and so true. It does take more than coffee sometimes. Cushions... I guess there are two kinds of people.. those who love a bunch of them and those who think one are two are enough. Most DIY fiber crafters are in that former category I suspect.
Great pom-poms! Cushions just get crushed to death here. I am looking at some very sad flat examples at the moment!
The bunting is lovely. Will the birds try unravel it for nest building?
Pompomoholic--ha ha!! Well, I guess there are worse things to be addicted to :) Love your new pillow and the bunting is so festive, Christine!
Your bunting looks fabulous. I don't think you can ever have enough cushions.
Lol at your DH! Yoy can't have too many cushions! He knows nothing lol! It's brilliant by the way!
Love the bunting too.
Cushion is lovely and great job with knitted bunting, so colourful!
Love the bunting, so colourful and happy. My DH always chooses one cushion for his back and throws the rest on the floor,
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