Thursday 15 January 2015

Gifted Gorgeousness SAL - January

Gifted Gorgeousness

The Gifted Gorgeousness SAL is organised by Jo of Serendipitous Stitching. On the 15th of each month we share some stitching that is in some way related to the idea of a gift. We made it as a gift, we received it as a gift, we made it using supplies that were a gift... you get the idea...
Anyway, here is my January GG piece. I received a coaster blank as a gift from Polly as part of the Needlecraft Haven Advent Exchange, so that definitely counts right? 

And what would a good little Trekker like me want on a coaster but this?

The chart for the com badge is by Starrley, I found it on Deviant Art here, and added the text myself.

Also fitting nicely into the theme, here is the progress so far on the scarf I'm knitting from the lovey hand-dyed sock wool Eloise gave me for Christmas

The pattern is called Knit Night. It's by Louise Zass-Bangham and can be found on Ravelry. It doesn't show very well being bunched up on circular needles but it will eventually be a long narrow picot-edged triangular shape. I decided not to do the beaded edge version because I didn't have any suitable beads to hand, and I was impatient to get started. Maybe another time.
 Be sure and check out all the other blogs in the SAL, there is a linky list on Jo's blog


Julie said...

LOL the coaster, so you!

Love the way the scarf is knitting up. I've never used a round needle, something I need to rectify and try.

Mary - Lecoeurceltique said...

A lovely coaster. Those are beautiful colours in your wool.

Kate said...

Loving the scarf, wishing I could knit properly!
Super coaster.

Gillie said...

Well done, to get my post up. Need to look up the pattern as well, looking gorgeous

sew.darn.quilt said...

Lovely starts and progress ")

Kerryp77 said...

Great colours in your gifted yarn. The scarf is shaping up well.

Marcy said...

Love the coaster! What pretty yarn ... the scarf will be a beauty.

Unknown said...

What funny coaster, great work! Your scarf also looks lovely, looking forward to seeing it finished.

Unknown said...

Fabulous use of both your gifts. Love the colours of you scarf.

Clare-Aimetu said...

Great coaster, very you! Lovely scarf too

Brigitte said...

This coaster is absolutely great, with the text you added. My DS would be thrilled with it, lol. And also a wooly gift included in this SAL. Great!

rosey175 said...

Wow, I recognize that pattern (Starrley is on Sprite Stitch), clever adaption of it! :D Your hank hand-dyed wool is very patriotic~ Maybe this will be the year I learn to knit. Maybe.

EvalinaMaria said...

Lovely, well done!
Evalina, This and that...

the grey tail said...

that coaster is BRILLIANT!
I love the knitting project too, great great job!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Thanks for taking part in GG this month.
The coaster is such a fun design. I bought a clam-shell mobile phone just so I could pretend to be on Star Trek.
Gorgeous colours in the scarf too.

sunny said...

great coaster, and your scarf is going to be beautiful! I wish I could knit, but don't need any more new hobbies. :-)

Stitching Noni said...

Love your coaster!! Perfect stitching for a coaster!
Love the scarf colours
Hugs xx

Mylene said...

The coaster looks great and love the colours you've chosen for the scarf!

*Wisher* said...

hi Christine.. thank you for coming over to my blog.. and your yarn is really a yummy colour.. and i love the shawl pattern.. ;)

Suz said...

The trekkie in me is dying over that coaster (says she wearing a star trek sweater from thinkgeek right now).

Dani - tkdchick said...

OMG Make it so! Love the coaster!

Sheryl said...

This scarf is going to be really lovely, such pretty colours

Shroo said...

I saw this when I visited yesterday. I have coaster envy. A new level of awesome! Hugs - Shroo:)x

Gwen said...

Love, Love the coaster. The shawl is looking lovely as well.