Right in the middle of her forehead
When she was good she was very very good
But when she was bad she was horrid
I used to tell that nursery rhyme to Naomi all the time when she was little because she was a very curly girl, and I was reminded of it when I saw a dear little red girl embroidery here on Cherise's blog earlier this year, and determined to make my own version. Here she is:-
Her dress is made from a piece of vintage fabric from the wonderful Rag Rescue trimmed with a bit of old lace. I mounted her in an embroidery hoop and tied a bit more of the lace and some ribbon (from a Christmas cracker!) on the top. I've had to hang her in my study because the rest of the family say she is too twee. I like to think she is an ironic post-modern take on tweeness...
In other news it was the village show this weekend. Here a few snaps of the wonderful flowers and vegetables on display. Mostly not grown by me I have to admit, though some of the rhubarb is mine. Any fool can grow rhubarb, the trick is stopping it from taking over half the garden.

And part of the floral art display
And here is my attempt at a floral arrangement incorporating sea shells.
I do have rather a lot of sea shells lying about the place...
Your curly girl is adorable!
aww cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
hugs x
lovely finish! My mom used to recite this :)Wonderful pics from the fair.
Mine too! Ignore the rest of the family, what do they know? Love the pictures of the show.
Hi Christine, and congratulations as you are the winner of my garden bounty chart. Please email me at stitchingranny at Hotmail (dot) com.
I love your twee little girl, she is so unusual. Also love the pictures from your local garden show. We used to have an annual produce and craft show here but alas it disappeared and I love those sort of shows.
Lovely photos and your little girl is so cute (:
She's a cutie, I would make the family look at her, but then again I am a rotter. I have a doll no one likes and she sits in the dining room watching them hah ha ha
Great entries, look at the size of those carrots!
Ohhhh, such a cutie!!
Beautiful pictures at the schow and i love your floral arrangement. Wish i am that creative with shells too as there's lots along the seaside where we go for walks sometimes daily!
I know that rhyme too but I've never heard curly hair. And I ate my crusts too!
The show looks great, the veg all looks giant sized! I did a floral arrangement for a church flower festival. I used artificial flowers with children's names and then put photos of all the toddler group kids mounted on flower shapes among them. The container was a plastic sand castle bucket.
She is adorable. Nothing twee about her...just vintage looking sweetness.
It must be so fun to have a village show each year. It is something we miss here living in a city. There is no feeling of community.
Hugs from Holland ~
I think we all remember that rhyme from our childhoods and I have longer to remember it than most Christine. She is rather lovely though she reminds me of the Mabel Lucie Atwell figures ,Oh dear am I that old.
so cute!
She's sweet! I can't get over the size of some of those vegetables! They all look like they would be delicious. And your floral arrangement is so pretty! Gives me an idea of what to do with the bags and bags of shells we've collected over the years. :)
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