Friday 3 August 2012

Flower Festival

This weekend sees the annual Flower Festival at the Chapel in the village. The theme chosen for this year was "The Best of British".
Here is the display I did on behalf of the Horticultural Society. I was aiming for a sort of psychadelic, swinging sixties, London vibe.

It's funny, but when I do these they always seem so huge and then when I see them amongst all the others they always seem absolutely tiny.
Anyway here a few others that caught my eye:-

Telephone Box. This one is genuinely huge, the phone box is pretty much actual size, so you can imagine how big those dahlias on the top must be.

The Red Arrows
Grow Your Own
look at the little carrot and parsnip waving at you from the corner.


cucki said...

Wow they all so beautiful..thank you for sharing xxx

Katherine said...

How cute!

Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri Malinovich) said...

I love the colors in yours!

viv said...

What fun. Wish we had flower shows. Some do arrangements for the county fair. I love yours.

Barb said...

How lovely Christine, like the underground signs in yours and the red arrows in one below little things that help to set the displays off.
You are certainly involved a lot in village life , well done you.

Linda said...

Lovely exhibits

Sally said...

Wow they are all beautiful and creative!

Julie said...

Superb Christine,you did a great job on your display. I bet the chapel smells wonderful with all those blooms in there.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

What great arrangements, I love the theme.
The church where my Toddler group meets is having a "Knit the Bible" exhibition soon and I'm lending them some cross stitches as backdrops.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

What great arrangements, I love the theme.
The church where my Toddler group meets is having a "Knit the Bible" exhibition soon and I'm lending them some cross stitches as backdrops.

Carol said...

I think you really achieved your goal of mimicking the swinging sixties, Christine--what a wonderful explosion of colors :)