Sunday 1 November 2009

Two scary things and a long awaited finish

Looking cute for Halloween is seriously uncool when you are 15 and nearly 13, so here are the two undead creatures that manifested themselves in our house last night.

I'm lucky I survived the night with my brains uneaten!

A couple of weeks ago Heidi posted a picture of a cushion she'd just made from something she'd stitched years before, and suggested we hunt out something similarly old and finish it.

Well I immediately thought of a piece from an old TGOSM that was languishing in the bottom of my stitching basket, and on Friday I dug it out.
At this point you need to take a pause and fully understand the scope of that statement. This was not merely a case of looking underneath a couple of charts, this was a major logistical excercise involving the painstaking movement of multiple teetering piles of magzines, fabrics, wool, patterns and books, the temporary loss of the study carpet, and a lot of very pithy words. Anyway, I got there in the end, and I now have a lovely new knitting bag to show for it.

Insert Happy Dance here ;D

Go on, find something old and finish it, you know you want to....


stitchersanon said...

I am quite old but I think the ruddy piggy flu has already finished me off lol.

Linda said...

Do I see a skull necklace there? Has the birthday come and gone? What a delightful knitting bag.

Karan said...

ROFLMAO - glad to hear your brains remain uneaten. Don't tell the girls but I still think they look cute.:0)
WTG on the HD - it may have caused some hassle but it is so worth it. Fab finish. :0)

Barb said...

oohh love the knitting bag Christine does that mean some knitting is in the offing lol.

Clare-Aimetu said...

Scary duo LOl - love the bag :)

Daffycat said...

Eeeek! Very spooky girls!

Awesome bag you made Christine! It is fantastic! It makes me wish I could knit...

Heidi said...

Hurry! I am happy dancing with you Christine! It is such a great feeling to pull out something that you should have finished ages ago and then ask yourself why it ever took you so long to do it when it took no time to do the actual finish. I plan on trying to finish another UFO for the month of November now too. Glad to hear I have a soul mate in finishing an old project and boy did yours turn out fab!

Hugs ~

Gillie said...

Sounds like my house -especially the pithy comments but a lovely bag at the end of it!

Jenna said...

Beautiful! It's a lovely stitching bag, with lots of room. I have, actually, picked up an older project with the intention of finishing and framing it by Christmas. I think I might actually be able to achieve the goal, too, if I can frame it myself.

Julie said...

Super knitting bag, cute design on it too.

The girsl look fab

Mylene said...

Great job on the knitting bag and cute picture of your girls.

Kathryn said...

I agree with Karan - the girls still look cute even behind the make-up.
I like your finish too - I would be inspired if I wasn't so lazy...
KAthryn : )

Sally said...

The girls look great Christine:)

Love the kntiting bag. I really must try something like this one day.

mainely stitching said...

I also stitched that design immediately - though I didn't quite finish stitching it - and it's languished for years in drawers and piles. LOL. Your bag is fabulous!