Monday 13 July 2009

Just a common-or-garden post

Truth be told, I'm in a bit of a stitchy slump at the moment, so I've no stitching to show. I did spend all day yesterday making Naomi's costume for Carnival, but more of that next week.

Anyway, Hazel asked for a better view of the "seaside garden", so I thought I'd give you a bit of a virtual tour.
If you imagine the plot our house is on as a rough square, with the point towards you, and the house crosswise towards the middle, you can visualise that as well as a front and a back garden we have two "side" gardens, which are more or less triangular. The one to the left of the house
has the greenhouse and utility area, the "seaside garden" and decking, and the veg patch.

Moving around, here are a couple of pics of the back garden

The back garden and one edge of the right hand side one are against the field and are bordered by this traditional cornish wall. In more romantic moments I think of this as my "wild garden", or "A rather prettyish kind of a wilderness" as in Pride and Prejudice, but more realistically its just the area we haven't done much with yet.
No pictures of the last segment as it is just a bit of rough lawn/games area for the girls. Sometimes we stretch a net over it, so I could be pretentious and call it the badminton court, but that would be a total lie ;D.


Karen said...

you have a lovely garden, want to come and do mine LOL

Linda said...

I have enjoyed the tour of your garden. Having seen your home, it was quite easy for my to visualize it with the pictures.

Nancy said...

Your garden is lovely, and I think it looks like the perfect place to wander through. I love the lavender bird house and the tall pink flowers.

Ranae said...

Gorgeous landscape!!

Julie said...

Looks so peaceful, and a lovely place to sit and relax

hazel c UK said...

Thank you so much Christine for sharing your garden with us, I love it all especially the beautiful Cornish wall, the tall fluffly pink flowers, what mouth watering veg you grow and of course the seaside garden is so different with that lovely slate and large pebbles and such an unusual water feature. Nice to see a chair where I hope you find time to sit and relax among what must be a very peaceful place. Thank you again for sharing it with us and granting my request.
Happy summer,

Clare-Aimetu said...

Your garden looks lovely Christine, I can just see you sitting out there enjoying a cuppa and maybe doing a little stitching (hopefully soon)

Karan said...

Beautiful garden Christine. It's a wildlife area - the wild critters & the faerie folk will love it. :0)
Hadn't realised we are the same age....... that'll be 21 then, won't it? ;0) ROFL

jane said...

Looks fantastic to me - thanks fro sharing the pics!

Elisa said...

What a beautiful garden...mine is an overgrown wilderness at the moment...good for the wildlife though...well that's my excuse and I'm sticking to!!

SheilasEmbroidery said...

I love the seaside garden. I have seaside stones in my garden but I'd never thought of making them into a tower/tarn, they are just piled up against the small retaining wall and get lost amongst the pebbles.