Monday 22 September 2008

Sunshine and Twilight

What beautiful weather we are having (at last!). Yesterday we spent the morning catching up on some much needed gardening, then in the afternoon we went for a walk along the cliff path,

Follwed by this very welcome refreshment ;D

Not too much stitching to show today. I've finished the Jaynes Attic Monthly Challenge, but I can't show that until reveal day. There is this though. This "Twilight" design was a free gift from Paulette of Plum Street Samplers, and the moment I saw it I knew it had to be stitched for Eloise. The thread is Carrie's Creations' Hearts on Fire by the way, I thought that was kind of appropriate. The only problem is that Naomi is now completely jealous, and I have to stitch it all over again!


Elisa said...

Glad you had a good weekend and enjoyed the sunshine.

Lovely finish there....

Karen said...

lovely photo Christine, one day we hope to move down there. Don't forget to send me your challenge photo for the album

Karan said...

Great views in both pics. ;0)
Nice finish - not familiar with those books but I shall be looking out for them from now. :0)

Julie said...

Lovely coastal pic, we had nice weather too, brings a smile to your face.
A lovely finish too.