...to talk of many things,
Of shoes and ships and sealing wax,

Well, shoes and seals actually, but its close. The first picture is for Julie, who wanted to see what the beaded shoes I mentioned in my last post were like.
What can I say? I have a weakness for shoes.
The next picture I've posted specially for our friends Jayne and Klaus, who visited a couple of weeks ago. We tried to go and see these little chaps then, but were beaten back by the armpit deep mud. This weekend it was much drier. And no, I didn't wear THE shoes!
Sorry about the quality of the picture, but its taken from the top of the cliff. There isn't a way down to the beach at that point, which, come to think about it, is probably why the seals are always there.
And finally some stitching. I promised Naomi a "Twilight" piece like the one I'd made for Eloise. This time I stitched it over 1 for a bit of a challenge, then Paulette posted a second free design for the "dog-lovers" among us, so I 
stitched that one as well and made them up back to back as an ornament. I think I should call it "Bella's Choice"
Oh, by the way, I got the sequin waste on ebay, Sally.