It has felt a lot like spring this last week, I even managed to find a few wind blown daffodils and some pussy willow in the garden, and I couldn't resist buying the campanula and white muscari at the florist's.
This display just makes me happy every time I walk into the kitchen.

Not much stitching to show this week, I've been working on an exchange piece and can't show it yet, but I did knock up this bit of daftness for Eloise, a cuddly toy Shroedinger's Cat.
Ah, Geek boards on
you have so much to answer for...
Naomi has been Pinteresting (is that a verb?) too, and made this wonderful picture from wax crayons.
She also made this attractive abstract art installation on the conservatory floor. I suppose I should be glad it wasn't the lounge carpet.
Anyway, a week ago was my 5th Blogoversary, (which I managed to miss, oops!), so I think that calls for a giveaway. No pictures of the prize as I shall make something specifically for whoever wins, I promise it won't be a dead/alive toy cat (unless that is what you want of course).
If you want to take part, please be a follower and make a comment on this post. If there is something I've stitched or crafted recently that particularly appeals to you, let me know in your post and I'll try and make something like it, or you can be more Karmic about the whole thing and I'll surprise you. Either way I'll take sign ups until next Sunday (11th March). Good Luck!