Lots to write about this week.
On Tuesday Eloise got her GCSE results. An A* in Maths, 4As, 6Bs and 2Cs, we are so proud of her. She is off to Truro College, starting next week, to do A levels in Maths, Further Maths, Chemistry and Physics. It is a 45 mile bus journey each way which makes it a long day, but it is a really good college.
Sometimes you just have to forget you live here and do the whole tourist thing, so on Friday we went to Marazion and St Michael's Mount for the day.
When we got there the tide was just far enough out to walk across the causeway.
And here is the view from the bottom of the island, looking up at the castle....
.....and from the castle looking down!
A couple of pictures inside the castle and church
When we got back to the mainland we wandered round Marazion for a while then sat with a drink and enjoyed the view. OOOPS! Looks like these people made a minor miscalculation on the causway front!
And I did promise you a couple of small finishes, the first is the Monthly Challenge piece. This one is from Penelopis. I made mine into a little "pretty" to hang from a cupboard door. (One very well known designer calls these "Knob-knockers", which pretty much goes to show she's not British if you ask me). This month's album with all the finishes is here.
And finally (insert sigh of relief from readers) a Christmas Ornament. I've fallen a bit lot behind with the monthly ornament SAL this year, but I've just managed to squeeze one in for August. This one is "Pear Tree" from LHN. I noticed after I'd made it up that I'd forgotten to add the little beads to the branches, but I think it looks OK without them.