...just been busy. It was the Village Show last weekend, and as I'm secretary the couple of weeks leading up to it tend to be pretty hectic, with the last couple of days seeing me descend into panic mode trying to get everything ready. Anyway it all went well and we had over 650 entries in the end. I forgot to take the camera down so I haven't got any photos of the show itself, (though there are some nice ones on the village website here) but fret not Dear Readers, I took some pictures of the girls' entries to bore you rigid with when we got home:-
First is Eloise's "Floral arrangement using 1 flower & foliage" for which she won a cup,

Next Naomi's first prize "Floral arrangement in an unusual container", and her 1 flower arrangement.
Naomi also won the cup for best photo by a child (again!) with this picture of a hibiscus. She got a first for her bluberry and white chocolate cheesecake too, but we ate it before I got a picture ;D

Oh and I got Best in Show Handicraft for one of my embroidered seashell pictures