Sunday 18 March 2012

It feels like spring...

...and to celebrate I have been busy making a Spring wreath for the front door following this excellent tutorial from Flamingo Toes, always a great source of crafty inspiration.
Yes. I know the front door needs painting...
I changed my wreath from the original slightly by adding in some jumbo pearl beads from a vintage necklace (well I have to include something upcycled don't I?), and I used rubber stamps to make my mini-bunting rather than printing it, but other than that I pretty much slavishly followed the tutorial.
Those flowers are so much fun to make, I can see me adding them to a lot of things.
Hear that sound? That is the girls rushing to hide their things before they get a shabby flower makeover
I've got some other finishes too, but they are for exchanges and gifts so I can't show them yet.


  1. VERY Spring-like Christine!
    Love the blue door - freshly painted or not.

  2. great wreath, Christine !!! i love the blue door.

  3. How lovely for visitors to see that when they call
