Thursday 15 March 2012

As I was going to St Ives

I met a cormorant. He might have had seven wives, I didn't ask him, but he posed very nicely for his photo. The rock was a little way out to sea, so this was taken with quite a long zoom.
We went to a craft fair last Friday, not terribly successful in terms of numbers of people through the door, but I did spend a very pleasant time with my friend Karen, of Just Bunting, making lavender hearts like this one from recycled fabric. The fabric is from a vintage 60s dress. Looks a bit Liberty to me.

But you didn't come here to hear me rambling on about seabirds and pomanders. You want to know who won the giveaway.

I  put the comment numbers into the random number generator at (still haven't figured out how to make that appear on here), and it came up with comment number five, which was

wait for it

ooh, the suspense...

I'm off now to have a little ponder about what I'm going to make for you Julie.


  1. Congratulations to Julie.
    Love the photo of the cormorant and the lavender heart is very pretty

  2. That's such a sweet pomander! I love the fabric. Great photo of the cormorant!

  3. Can almost smell the lavender from here Christine very pretty fabric too. Congratulations to Julie.
    Great pic of the Cormarant.Hope you enjoyed the trip to St

  4. Oh woohoo.... I love your creations, I feel very honoured to be chosen a second time Christine. Thank you very much.
    The Lavendar heart is very pretty.

  5. I've never seen a comorant, Christine--he sure looks like a big bird... Lovely lavender heart you made--so nice that the fabric recycled from an old dress...

    Congratulations to Julie!!

  6. What a great picture! Congrats to your winner ;)

  7. Your lavender heart is really pretty Christine.

    He looks a fine fella sitting there posing!

    Congratulations Julie!

  8. I love that picture of the cormorant. I used to see them when I lived in Texas.
    Your sachet heart is pretty. The fabric is great.
