Friday 14 January 2011

The Whole Clan

A few days ago Katherine published a plea on her blog for fellow bloggers to let each other see what they look like instead of using anonymous avatars, and I realised that while this blog has loads of pictures of the girls, its a bit short of pictures of himself or yours truly.
There are two pretty good reasons for that :-
One: the girls are beautiful, and pictures of them are unlikely to scare people of a nervous disposition (unless you count the undead halloween pictures)
Two: I actually take most of the pictures on here, so I don't tend to be in them, and David, being a professional photographer, spends most of his time at the wrong end of the camera too.
However in the interests of "putting a face to the name" here is a picture of the four of us that was taken towards the end of last year.

Be afraid.

Be very afraid.

What? You're still scrolling down? OK then.


  1. What a lovely photo of you all Christine! It is lovely to put faces to names isn't it?

  2. Awwww! What a good looking clan

  3. Awww Christine it is sooo nice to put a face to the name! Now all you need to do is come to the meet up! x

  4. Get away with you - a lovely photograph of all of you! No at all scary, lol!

  5. WOW, Wowie! WOWZER! You all look fab! Look at you all color coordinated and everything - you'd think you were a stitcher or something! I LOVE IT - you are not at ALL scary, those daughters of yours are GORGEOUS and your husband (or boyfriend?) looks a little bit like Barry Gibb; just a little. Beautiful family! Best Regards -

  6. Yep, the girls ARE beautiful, and now I can see where they got that beauty (and their eyesight, lol) from!
    What a great-looking family, starting with the more "seasoned" generation, of course!
    I'm so glad you did this!

  7. So nice to put a face to the name - you are a lovely looking family.

  8. Lovely photo, it's nice to see everyone, you look a lively family x x

  9. Christine its fantastic to see you! What a gorgeous family you have... I can see where the girls get their great looks from!

  10. Great picture!
    Eloise & Naomi are really grown-up now.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. A super pic of you and the family

  13. So nice to see you Christine! Now I like you am taking the photos and not in them and I like it that! I also never have professional photos done. I just hate photos of myself. So you will not find one on my blog anytime

    Thanks for the comment about changing colors and parts of a design. I worry about any problems now after that incident with the other designer and then the quilter who accused me of copying her. Gees need to get a But like Jos said, if you put yourself out there in cyberspace, you open yourself to not so nice people as well as nice people.

    Hugs from Holland ~

  14. What a gorgeous photo Christine. So lovely to see you all together:)

  15. Fabulous photo Christine & it's lovely to put a face to the name. :0)
