Tuesday 11 January 2011

Challenge Review

So, 2011 is well underway, and I've got nothing interesting to blog about. Rien. Nada. Zip.

Weather anyone?

Anyway I noticed some of you have posted "Review of 2010" type posts and, never one to miss the opportunity to steal recognise a good idea, I've created this slideshow of my finishes for the 2010 Monthly Challenge. For those of you unfamiliar with the Monthly Challenge this  is a SAL which runs on the Stitch and Stash board, and now on the new Needlecraft Haven board as well.  Every month a link is posted to a complimentary design available online. Everyone stitches their own version of the design and finishes it into something, then on the last Sunday of the month an album of everyone's finishes is revealed. Its a lot of fun.

Here are my finishes for 2010. Eagle eyed readers may spot that there are only 11 finishes. This is because we only set one challenge for November and December last year


  1. Well, I am totally impressed - both by the stitching you did and the wonderful way you are displaying them in the post! And let's not talk about the weather - up here in Cheshire it's grey skies and wind - thought wait, what was that little scrap of.....could it be blue, lol?

  2. Lots of lovely finishes Christine.

  3. What a lovely slideshow to watch, brought lovely memories of last years activity - roll on 2011

  4. Great slideshow & beautiful finishes Christine. A slideshow of my 2010 finishes would be extremely short! LOL :0)
