Sunday 6 April 2008

Of buttons, bonnets and bad weather

I can't share my most recent stitching finish as it is for publication, but I've been busy this weekend making lots of other things. Here are some button necklaces and bracelets (I love buttons, I can't walk past a charity shop without going in to see if they have any), the Spring Pastel set is mine and I made the purple and black one for Naomi, purple and black is VERY "her".

The bonnets in the title are more hats really, but that didn't sound so snappy ;) I've been knitting these for Save The Children, (thanks to Clare for telling me about it). They knit up really quickly and don't use too much wool. I did these ones whilst watching the telly last night.

As to the bad weather, look at this! The spring flowers are out, the birds are nesting, the pond is full of big fat tadpoles, someone has stolen all the fat sheep from the field next door and replaced them with an equal number of skinny sheep and some lambs, and its snowing.
In Cornwall.


  1. Very original necklaces etc and sweet little hats. We too have had quite a number of snow flurries today.

  2. Fantastic necklaces, you are so inventive Christine

    We had snow too ... and blooming cold it was too today LOL

  3. Oh, love the jewellery - what a great idea. :0)
    Hats are so cute, like the idea but I don't do knitting - wish there was a crochet pattern!
    Had hail, snow, more hail and now rain - and flippin' freezing all the time!
