Tuesday 15 April 2008

Calorie-free cakes, Carnival Queens and the return of spring!

The weather has obviously been reading this blog and has decided to behave itself! Today is a glorius spring day. Here are some miniature tulips in my "seaside garden", and the blackthorn in my hedge.

As for Carnival Queens, as of July, Naomi will "retire" as Fairy Queen for the village, but Eloise has been chosen as the in-coming Senior Queen. Another Summer of Carnivals looms! (I love it really). Photos to follow shortly.

And what of the calorie free cakes I hear you ask! I made some of these for my friend in the village who runs a cake shop, she put them on display and I have started getting orders! Here is a plate of them that I made at the weekend.


  1. Beautiful garden pics and i love that cake, looks good enough to eat, you are talented! LOL

  2. From the inside, it looks like spring today but when you get out...wauw, the wind is too cold! Beautiful pictures and the cake looks so tempting...well done on the finishing!!
    Have a nice week!

  3. Love the garden pics & those cakes look fantastic. Hope the weather behaves for this years' Carnivals. :0)

  4. Oh what fun, the perfect gift for a gal on a diet lol.

  5. I love the calorie free cakes...any chance of some calorie free choccie...lol
    Spring doesn't seem to have quite made it to Yorkshire yet!

  6. Fun cakes they looks yummy, I have seen some cross stitched ones online a few weeks back , they are a great idea,
