Hello and welcome to the Stitching Friends Summer Blog Hop.
This Blog Hop has been arranged by Jo of Serendipitous Stitching. We have all been allocated a "Stitching Friend" to tell you all about, and to choose a design for. Have a read about this blogger and see if you can guess who it is. (If you're really stumped the answer is right at the bottom of the post)
This blogger lives in France, and loves to take part in exchanges and blog hops. Because of this she stitches a lot of "smalls", but she also has some much larger projects on the go, including a stunning Chateleine design, and a sampler combining LHNs Little Sheep Virtues and CCN's Sheep in the Meadow
She stitches a lot of sampler style designs, and loves Just Nan.
In addition to stitching this blogger also enjoys embroidery, knitting and crochet, and she is a superb quilter.
I thought this blogger would enjoy the design "Compagnie de Moutons" from Jardin Prive as it has lots of lovely sheep as well as traditional sampler motifs.
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Pop on over to her blog to see a list of everyone taking part in the Blog Hop.
Have you guessed yet?
The mystery blogger is Mary from La Coeur Celtique