Sunday 1 March 2020

March Already? Late February IHSW

I did actually stitch it in February, I just didn't get round to blogging it. Here is the current progress on Cross Stitcher Magazine's Alice SAL

I've also been doing a Scrap-busting challenge with Sugar Bowl Crafts, I'm hopelessly behind on it, but here are the first four squares laid out together.

And Finally, the March page in the subversive calendar the girl's made for me

The caption reads "The best things in life are actually very expensive - you know like truffle oil ... or cocaine


  1. Calendar made me giggle
    Love the scrappy challenge
    Alice does look a fiddly stitch, but so effective and nice.

  2. I love seeing Alice come together, what a fun design.
    The fabric in your squares are so colourful, very pretty!
    And your calendar, LOL... don't go for the cheap stuff!

  3. Lovely work on Alice, your calendar made me chuckle

  4. Oh, that scrap-busting quilt is really going to be gorgeous, Christine! I so wish I had a lot of scrap fabrics to play with :) Nice progress on Alice--lots of detail for sure. Happy March to you!

  5. Great work on Alice, your colours look so much more vibrant than mine! I've decided I'm changing the butterflies to blue to represent the butterfly at the end of the Tim Burton version of the film.
    The scrap busting looks wonderful, very colourful.
    Love the latest page of the Calendar.

  6. Alice looks great but I LOVE your scrap busting blocks! Those colours are gorgeous.
