Sunday 3 November 2019

Hallowe'en Exchange, Challenge and Temperature SAL Catch Up

You know what it's like. You wait all month for a bloggable stitch, and then three come along at once!
The exchange first. This was the Hallowe'en Exchange on Needlecraft Haven. We had to send a stitched ornament, a trick and a treat.
Here is the lovely gift I received from Mary.

Thankyou Mary, they are all wonderful. I shall be displaying my "Christine's Potions" ornament all year round.
And here is what I sent to Justine.

The ornament is a design from Aliolka , The treat is a Lush Bath Bomb, and the trick is a mint tin filled with creepy crawlies.
The Alioka designs were the chosen designs for the Seasonal Challenge on Needlecraft Haven, so that finish killed two birds with one stone, but I decided to stitch another of the designs as a gift for Eloise

So then, of course, I had to stitch one for Naomi as well, only all the Aliolka designs had that cute little spider, and Naomi does not do spiders. Not even very cute ones, so I combined Aliolka's skull motif with a kitty from a Barbara Ana design and stitched her this one (which you've already seen if you saw the Hallowe'en Blog Hop post)

And finally here is an up to date picture of my Temperature SAL


  1. Love the exchange pieces Christine you have certainly been busy. Hope you are well.

  2. It was a great exchange, your trick was fabulous.

  3. That sounds like a fun exchange! Beautiful stitching on both of your parts, too.

  4. Lovely exchange gifts - although I would have probably not loved the trick part of your gift x

  5. Such sweet exchange gifts.
    The pumpkin sponge cracks me up, loving it.


  6. The exchange pieces are great. Love the two ornaments you made for your daughters too.
    I spotted the blue day on the Temperature SAL this month, the numbers have definitely dropped.

  7. This was a fun exchange, you sent and received great packages! I love how Mary personalized the shop to make it your own. You stitched some great Halloween pieces, especially the kitty!
