Saturday 16 February 2019

February's GG

Here is my February post for Gifted Gorgeousness - Jo's Blog Hop, where we get a chance to show off our gift related crafting every month.
I've got a few things this month. First is the Valentine's Exchange at Needlecraft Haven. We had to send a stitched card, a skein of thread and some sweet treats to our partners.
Here are the goodies I received from Gill

I love the card, and will have to figure out a way to frame it so it can stay on display
And here is the card I sent to Julie.

The stitched section detaches to form an ornament. The design was one I found online, but I've forgotten where. I also forgot to take a picture of the other bits, but I sent a skein of  WDW "Ladybug" and some chocolate ladybirds/
Next is a little "plant" I made from buttons for Barb's birthday

And here is the prize I made for Jo, for winning my guess the number of finishes/books/shoes competition last year.

It says "Mae Govannen", which is Sindarin for "Well met". It's stitched in a Kate's Kloths overdyed green floss on Crafty Kitten's 32 ct Murano in Faded Olive
And finally, not stitch or craft related at all unless you count cooking, but I won  a caption competition on Ainsley Harriott's Instagram, and got this fantatsic goody-box with one of every Ainsly Foods product (there's a load more than you can see in the picture) and  best of all, a signed photo of the man himself (which is up on the kitchen wall now)


  1. Thanks for taking part in GG this month, you should get double points for making me something!
    Love the little plant you made for Barb, that's a nice way to use buttons.
    Great exchange too.

  2. Such lovely cards given and received. All your stitching is beautiful.

  3. What a great exchange for you all. I'd want to frame what you received too!
    Your button plant is so sweet and what a nice gift for Jo.
    Nice goodie box! I wish we could get that here.

  4. Terrific crafting. How lovely to win that box of food stuffs from Ainsley Harriott.

  5. Stunning gift for Barb, love that.
    Thank you for my card in the exchange, its so lovely.
    Perfect gift for Jo.
    Congrats on the win, that's a huge haul of foodstuffs

  6. Thank you for tdkibg part in Needlecraft Haven Valentine's Exchange, lovely gifts sent and received. Your flower pot for Barb is beautiful.

  7. A card that turns into an ornament - what a clever idea! I love the little flower as well.

  8. I loved the button flower pot! And congrats for what you have won! AriadnefromGreece.

  9. Oh my goodness that button flower group is adorable.
    Love the cards.
    The middle earth saying is a sweet design.
    What a great win from Ainsley wow.


  10. How cool that you won the caption contest, Christine! Great gifts from Ainsley Harriott! Looks like another fun month of gifts both given and received :)

  11. Is that a little smiley face in his signature??

    This is a fun post. Love the little button plant and the Sindarin stitch for Jo! The stitch you received and its corresponding floss are very pretty.
