Sunday 19 August 2018

August's Gifted Gorgeousness - Warning: Picture Heavy

It's time for Gifted Gorgeousness again - when we show our gift related crafting - for a full explanation see Jo's blog here.
This month I'm showing the gifts  sent and received in the VSCyberstitchers July exchange.
Here is the gorgeous sheep design pincushion I received from Margaret.

Isn't it beautiful? I just love everything about it - the design, the ruffly ribbon edging, that sweet little button...
And here is the little pillow I made for Linda.

I didn't have a pattern for this one, I saw a photograph of a similar design on Pinterest and sort of made my own version up.
Also in gift related stitching, a little something I made for Eloise's new kitchen.

And not gift-related at all, it was the Village Show yesterday, so here are a few pictures for you to enjoy.

Some of the flowers

 and pot plants.

Look at these stunning fuchsias.

Cookery Section: "Picnic for Two" and cakes,

jams, bread and children's cookery section

and some of the floral art,

and children's floral displays.

We did quite well, with quite a few individual class wins.

I got a 2nd prize with the little basket of peppers and aubergines front left in the picture, and a first with my cherry tomatoes, which you can see in the background.

Naomi got a first place with this flower arrangement. The theme was "Good Enough to Eat",  and lots of prizes for her baking, and art.

 Naomi's decorated cupcakes

One of her drawings

The overall prizes were a close run thing this year; Naomi was one point off winning the Most Points in Cookery Trophy, whilst luck swung the other way for me and I took the Most Points in Handicraft Trophy by a single point. I also won the trophy for Best in Show Art with this pastel picture

Bonus blog points if you can tell who it is.


  1. The little pillow and pincushion are definitely GG! I like how you laced up the curtain in the window. How was it stitching on the screening? I shudder just thinking of the sound of the needle through the mesh!

    Great village show too. I bet it's Jon Snow.

  2. The pin cushion and the little pillow are both gorgeous! The gift you made for Eloise is amazing too, that must have been quite awkward to make but the end result is wonderful.
    Your pastel artwork is just wonder you won first prize. Congratulations.

  3. The gifts are wonderful! Your pillow is very sweet, I have also seen similar ones on pinterest and your version is very creative. I enjoyed watching the pictures from the show, your family is very talented. I am so impressed with your pastel creation! You definitely deserved the first prize:)

  4. Congratulations on your and Naomi's success at the Village Show.
    Both exchange pieces are just wonderful, so beautifully stitched and finished.

  5. What lovely gifts you gave and received! Congratulations on your win at the Village Show!!

  6. Loved the little tour of the show. Congratulations on your prizes, especially the pastel drawing. It's beautiful.

  7. Such lovely pillows, I love them.
    The stitching on the strainer is wonderful.
    The Village show looks like it was a success, congratulations.
    The art work is beautiful.


  8. Christine both exchange pieces are so lovely. I love SBush patterns and this one is very special. Love the soft colors and the pretty trim. And the window stitch is gorgeous. Both make for beautiful gifts. The strainer stitch is so cute too. The village show looks fantastic. RJ@stitchingfriendsforever

  9. I love how you made the window on the cushion!AriadnefromGreece!

  10. The piece you designed is so beautiful, Christine! Amazing that you could design it from a photo :) And it looks like you and Naomi were very successful at the Village Show this year. Congrautlations :)

  11. Thanks for taking part in GG this month with your lovely exchange. Your hardanger is so neat and unskewed! My window bars would have been quite wonky.
    The Village Show looks like so much fun and it's great that your whole family joins in with Total Fete Domination!

    I'm guessing Jon Snow but hubby says Eric Bana (he actually said "it's him who's been in lots of things, Bandana something, Hector in Troy, but a young version").

  12. Great turnout for the show this year, well done to you both.
    The little sheep pillow is so sweet, such pretty colours in it.
    Your gorgeous exchange design is amazing, I have a couple of charts for similar windows in my stash (larger than yours), one a Christmas one and the other a Halloween. Always fancied having a go, but well..... one day!

  13. Great stitching! I love the little sieve and the window is just stunning.
    Congrats on your village show wins too! The whole thing looks like everyone had a lot of fun. Your winning picture is just stunning - is that Jon Snow?

  14. Wow, Christine! You and Naomi are just so talented! Well done both of you!
    A lovely post. I enjoyed all the stitching and the village show!
    Jon who? Oh well, off to google that name!
    Your pastel is amazing, well done!
    Barbara xx

  15. Beautiful gift stitching, both sent and received. Congratulations to you and Naomi on your village show success.
