Thursday 15 March 2018

Gifted Gorgeousness - March

It's the 15th of the month, so that means it's time for Gifted Gorgeousness - the Blog Hop organised by Jo of Serendipitous Stitching - where we talk about our gift-related crafting and craft-related gifts.
When putting this post together I've noticed that everything in it seems to have been made for Naomi. (Note to self: make things for other daughter!)
Firstly we have a wee Year of the Dog ornament - I started making Naomi a Chinese New Year ornament every year quite a few years ago now, I think I'm definitely over halfway through the zodiac by now.

Year of the Dog Pattern from Holly's Hobbies

Next a knitted snail - she's studying in Italy this year and living in the contrada of Chiocciola (snail district) of Siena - the colours of  Chiocciola  are red and yellow

And finally a skirt I made from an oddment of Echino linen. 

front - note the jetted pocket, I'm irrationally pleased with how that came out


I thought the fun moped print was ideal for the girl-about-Italian-town in the spring. Hopefully she will wear it and channel her inner Audrey.


  1. Those are awesome! I love the moped print, that's gorgeous.

  2. Great to see Mr Snail again, he's growing on me.

  3. Amazing gifts, the snail is just so cute x

  4. Beautiful, thoughtful gifts. I have fallen in love with the snail. I hope Naomi appreciates how lucky she is!

  5. Wow, these are a lot of different projects for this GG post. Such a sweet little snail.

  6. Lovely finish on The Year of The Dog ..... the cording looks great!
    Cute snail, and very nteresting link!
    Love the skirt, the lambrettas are very apt, and the pockets look great ..... wow.
    You have been busy!
    Barbara xx

  7. You've created such wonderful gifts, Christine! Not "irrationally pleased" at all--you should be--it is delightful :) I'm sure your daughter will have an amazing Italian spring!

  8. Your skirt is adorable, the year of the Dzongkha, I like the design you did, that snail is so sweet.


  9. Thanks for taking part in GG this month, love your snappy description of it too.

    The Year of the Dog ornie is great. I am collecting the Dragon Dreams versions and will stitch all 12 at once. In case they stop doing them and I'm left with half a zodiac LOL

    The snail and skirt are cute too, for different reasons!

  10. Lovely gifts for your daughter! I like the skirt:)

  11. Terrific gifts. I like the way the themes fit with her year in Italy.

  12. Gorgeous gifts indeed! I love that skirt with the moped print, perfect for Italy.

  13. Three very different crafty gifts, you are so talented Christine.

  14. You're so crafty Christine, three great pieces: -)

  15. lucky daughter! the snail is so cute and I LOVE the skirt!

  16. Wow Christine! Beautiful work! I like very much the Chinese ornament. The knitted snail is awesome and the skirt is sooooo lovely! Kisses, my friend.

  17. Wow, those are gorgeous - your daughter is very lucky to have such a talented mother! Maybe next month's GG will be all about her sister?

  18. Oh wow - I love the skirt and how you have used the stripey fabric. Stunning! x
