Friday 19 January 2018

NSFW Game of Thrones Inspired Sampler

In the most recent issue of Mollie Makes magazine there was a design for an embroidered floral banner.
I liked the floral part, wasn't so keen on the chirpy message, and Naomi had been after me to stitch her a snarky sampler using a quote from Game of Thrones.
So here it is. A very NSFW sampler

I've censored the photo for those of a sensitive disposition.
If you watch Game of Thrones a) you're unlikely to be shocked by four letter words and b) you already know what it says.
If you don't, lets just pretend it says "stupid". Yeah, that's what it says...


  1. Hah, I love it (I know the quote)!

  2. Great conversion Christine, Naomi will love it. I like the juxaposition of the soft design and great quote 😉

  3. I'm sure Naomi will be thrilled with your snarky stitch, Christine!

  4. I really like this style of crafting with floral/classical motifs and...not so classical sayings. Well done!

  5. Lovely delicate embroidery for your daughter! I don't watch game of thrones so I will concentrate on the design than the words:)

  6. Great snark! I love the combinations of pretty flowers and swear words.
    I couldn't have that in front of my little one, although he can't speak he can copy type and he might input it into the search bar of the computer!!

  7. I bet Naomi will love this. I have never seen Game of Thrones but Jess loves watching it!
