Sunday 31 December 2017

Seasons Greetings!

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas!
I'd like to share a few of the gifts I sent and received.
For an exchange in a Facebook group I'm a member of I made and sent this bag,

and received these beautiful hearts and Christmas plaque.

It was a completely secret exchange and my partner hasn't come forward so I don't know who to thank, but I love them very much, especially the large one with the cats and blue and white china, which is going to look wonderful in my kitchen.
I also made a bag and matching scarf for my friend in the village

and received these lovely handmade goodies from her - the pincushion is made using an antique bakers mould.

I received some lovely gifts from online friends,

Huge thank yous to (clockwise from top) Barb, Clare, Karan and Julie 

and my daughter wood-burned these fabulous tree decorations for me

I'd like to finish by wishing you all a very happy and healthy new year, and leave you with the cover image from the calendar that the girls got for me.

I can't begin to imagine where they get their sense of humour from...


  1. Lovely gifts all around! And fantastic toilet calendar. Potty humor is best humor. :D

    A Happy New Year to you!

  2. Can we see the pic each month of the calendar when you turn the page? lol
    Happy New Year to you all Christine xx

  3. Oh my goodness what lovely gifts.

    Happy New Year

  4. Lovely and creative gifts! Happy new year!

  5. Great gifts that you sent out and received.
    Have a Happy New Crafting Year!

  6. Great gifts! Love the calendar too, what delightful children you have.

  7. What lovely gifts that made their way back and forth! I hope you have a wonderful new year 2018 as well.
