Friday 6 January 2017

First and Last (and a Competion and Prize)

Happy New Year!

French Happy New Year postcard cats in window:

Here is Naomi modelling my last finish of 2016, a Black Widow print skater skirt, (pattern adapted from the pinafore pattern in this post)  and my first finish of 2017, a rib swatch cowl in Rowan Fine Art Aran.

If you've been following my blog for a while you'll know that I offer a small prize to the person who most closely guesses my year end tally of finishes, books read and shoes bought.
For 2016 the totals were:-

Finishes  ~ 78
Books ~ 54
Shoes ~ 10.

The closest guess was Kerry with 64, 53, 11
Drop me an email with your postal address Kerry and I'll pop a little something in the post for you.

The counter has now been reset, so if you'd like to have a guess this year just pop a comment on this post


  1. Two lovely finishes. I will have to take a closer look at the cowl pattern, it looks so cosy.

  2. Lovely sewing and I like your cowl finish.Happy New Year.

  3. Naomi always models your creations so beautifully - they look stunning on her.
    Well done to Kerry, she wasn't far off all the guesses.

    My guess for 2017 is - 72 60 12
    (let's have multiples of 12 - the months of the year)

  4. Happy new year Christine. Love the skirt. Not bad guesses at all! 2017 I think will be 74 finishes, 58 books and 13 pairs of shoes.

  5. Lovely finishes, beautifully modelled.

  6. What a gorgeous model you have! You're off to a good start so I will guess 84-52-8. Well done to Kerry!

  7. Naomi looks so darling in her pretty new skirt! And 10 pairs of shoes--wow! I am impressed. I think I only bought 3 or 4 :)

    Wishing you and your family every happiness in 2017, Christine!

  8. Lovely skirt and a great model too.
    I wasn't too far out with my guesses but Kerry is the Queen of Guessing! Is she going for the hat trick this year?
    I'll guess 76 finishes, 60 books and 12 pairs of shoes for this year. Going higher for the year!
