Monday 8 August 2016

Summer is icumen in

I'm linking this up to the Tenuous Shoehorn Link Party organised by Jo at Serendipitous Stitching, the idea being to post some Summer holiday related stitching.
Summer, of course, is the busy season as far as weddings are concerned, so summer holidays are pretty much anything but holidays around here, and stitching time is severely curtailed.
You could stretch a point however and say that I spend my summer holidays in Cornwall every year ...
because that is where I live.
So here is a tenuously shoehorned picture of an older make, an upcycled (summer holiday)  souvenir of Cornwall tea towel bag.

And here is a picture of a bit of Cornwall that is just down the road from us


  1. Cute bag and lovely photo. Happy Summertime!

  2. Lovely bag and stunning photo. Cornwall is beautiful

  3. Thanks for joining in with your lovely upcycled bag.
    A very successful post for the Tenuous Shoehorn, unlike my very literal interpretation of the theme.

  4. Cornwall must be such a beautiful part of the world to live in - lovely pics, Christine.

  5. Lovely bag and beautiful scenery. Definitely summer.

  6. Beautiful bag!! You stay at a lovely place:)

  7. Lovely bag and a beautiful coastal view.

  8. Beautiful shot and love the bag!

  9. Oh, you live in such a lovely, lovely part of the world, Christine! And your bag is adorable--nice way to use a tea towel, too!

  10. Hi Christine,
    Great tea towel bag! How lovely to live in Cornwall. Such a pretty view!
    Barbara xx
