Sunday 5 June 2016

Better Late Than Never

Two finishes!
The March and April Monthly Ornament Challenges from Needlecraft Haven (don't ask about the May Challenge, I'm thinking I'll skip it and move right on to June)
The March Challenge was from Sub Rosa here.
As always, I re-worked the little Cardinal birds to make them into robins. I wanted a simple finish for this one and planned just to hem-stitch the linen all around. Yes, well... I cut the fabric too close by mistake and my simple finish turned out to be anything but. It's taken me ages.
The idea is to tie it around a fat church candle at Christmas, but I don't have any of those to hand, so here it is tied around a Cornishware jug instead.

The April Challenge was from Romy's Cross Stitch here.
I don't know about you, but normally I start by choosing my thread colours, then pick the fabric that works best, and finally choose the trimmings when the stitching is finished. This one I went about completely backwards, by knowing which trimmings I wanted to use, namely two funky coloured jingle bells that came attached to a re-usable Christmas bubble bar/wand from Lush.
The result is definitely not what you would describe as being traditional Christmas colours, but I think it's rather fun.


  1. They're both very cute! I actually love the non-traditional Jingle Bells colors! That just turned out great!!

  2. Love the pretty robins on the candle wrap, great for Christmas - love the blue Cornish jug too,

  3. Great finishes Christine. Love the colours in jingle bells.

  4. Loving both finishes! And Jingle Bells looks terrific with the non-traditional colours.

  5. Lovely finishes.I love the thread you chose for Jingle Bells.

  6. Both the finishes are beautiful :) The wrap is a nice idea!

  7. Both are lovely finishes!

  8. Two very lovely finishes, Christine.

  9. I love your Jingle Bell finish, the pink/yellow bells are fun.
    I'll look forward to seeing your Blessings finish adorning the candle later in the year and releasing the lovely jug lol.

  10. I love the way you worked backwards on choosing colors for your Jingle Bell finish, Christine--it looks fabulous! Cute little candle wrapper, too--the little robins you substituted are darling...

  11. They're beautiful. Good luck with this months challenge.

  12. Great work on your two finishes. Love the colours on Jingle Bells, nice up-cycling!

  13. Me too, i like non-traditional christmas colour schemes

  14. I love the funky Jingle Bells! I would never think to change the colours to match the trim - how creative of you.
