Sunday 15 May 2016

Gifted Gorgeousness - May Edition

It's the 15th of the month, the day set aside for Gifted Gorgeousness, as organised by Jo of Serendipitous Stitching, where we show off our gift related makes.
Today I am showing this coaster (Celtic Bird by Textile Heritage) which I've made as part of my gift for an upcoming exchange. It's safe to show it now as it is a secret exchange so even if the intended recipient sees it here, they won't know it is headed their way.

And shoe horning it's way into the theme is another item I've made this week. As a wedding present a school friend gave us a little lidded glass bonbon dish, about 4" in diameter. At the time I filled it with a pot pourri made from dried petals from my bouquet.
Now we will have been married 30 years this August, and as I was moving the dish to dust the bedroom windowsill earlier this week I came to the conclusion that 30 year old pot pourri is basically not very nice. 
It was uniformly brown, drab, odourless and pretty much crumbled beyond recognition
and I decided it was time to accept the fact that it wasn't even fit for compost, get rid of it, and give the dish a makeover.
So I made this teeny-tiny terrarium instead. (I left the lid off for the photo so you could see it better)

Sad bonbon dish is happy


  1. Your Celtic bird is so pretty - I love the colours. I also like your little garden - very creative!

  2. How funny, I've just been gifted the Celtic bird lavender sachet! I love the vibrant colours. Lovely wee garden too

  3. That is a lovely coaster.
    What a great idea for your pot pourri bow, it's so pretty.

  4. Congrats on the coaster finish!

  5. That's a great coaster. And what an excellent make over for the little dish! It's lovely.

  6. The Celtic Bird is so wonderful. The teeny-tiny terrarium is great!

  7. A lovely way to use the dish for something a little different.
    Nice coaster for your exchange

  8. What a lovely coaster, and your little garden is adorable!

  9. Beautiful Celtic design, and I love the little garden! Great idea!

  10. Such a lovely idea for your dish/garden and the Celtic bird makes a beautiful coaster. xxx

  11. I love your coaster, it's so stylish! Great idea for the bowl too.

  12. Thanks for taking part in GG this month. I love the Celtic Bird coaster.
    Clever idea for the bonbon dish too.
    Congratulations on your forthcoming Pearl Anniversary. I made a lovely whitework sampler with little pearl beads for my parents' 30th.

  13. The coaster is lovely. Oh I love the idea of a garden in a bowl.

  14. I love the artwork of old Illuminated Manuscripts, and your Celtic Bird reminds me of that style :) Using your bridal bouquet to make potpurri is a clever idea and one I've never heard of before; sorry you had to get rid of it but it lasted very a long time!

  15. Your Celtic bird coaster is lovely. I know what you mean about old pot pourri. The little terrarium is a great idea.

  16. Your celtic coaster is such a lovely exchange piece and how clever to turn the bonbon dish into a min terrarium. They are all the go at the moment.
