Wednesday 16 March 2016

Gifted Gorgeousness - March

Welcome to the  March edition of Gifted Gorgeousness, the monthly SAL run by Jo of Serendipitous Stitching, where we show off our gifted related crafting. This month I'm sharing this dress I made for Eloise.

The pattern is Butterick B6167, and I've never had to do so much re-drafting on a pattern in my life! For a full review of the pattern see here
I used a remnant of a border print fabric which called for some creative cutting and not a little fluent cursing, but I jiggled it out in the end.
Extra gifted gorgeousness brownie points because I used the dressmaking pins Barb gave me, and I sent some of the fabric offcuts (and believe me after the trouble I had getting it out of my too short fabric cut there weren't many) to Jo for backing her Hallowe'en ornaments.


  1. Gorgeous! Great work. You are very talented.

  2. The dress is beautiful. you have so many talents

  3. Gorgeous dress and cool fabric. Yup bonus points too!

  4. How cool is that dress!! I'm very impressed as my sewing skills are minimal!

  5. Lovely dress!!:) I have basic sewing skills,I had earlier made dresses for my daughter when she was small. Now I cannot think I can even cut fabric for a large size dress.

  6. That is a lovely dress. Well done.

  7. What a beautiful dress, Christine--I'm sure Eloise is thrilled :)

  8. I bet she was delighted with mums hard work...I hope you didn't say too many naughty words when cutting/sewing it.

  9. Thank you for taking part in GG this month.
    The dress is lovely! I would have adored one like that when I was younger. Maybe more of a tunic now?
    Thank you for the scraps, they will be very useful.

  10. Interesting fabric and terrific dress. My sewing skills are nowhere near that level.

  11. Great fabric and beautiful dress

  12. Lovely fabric but I can imagine it was a pain to get the cutting just right.

  13. That's a great fabric!

    I like that pattern review site. I will have to pay more attention to it when I get my sewing machine up and running (so distant future hah)!
