Sunday 6 December 2015

On-line Advent Calendar Day 6 and An Exchange Received

Welcome to day 6 of the On-line Advent Calendar as brought to us by Jo from Serendipitous Stitching.
This year Jo has asked us to talk about Christmas Eve traditions in our families and/or corners of the globe.
We aren't the kind of family who tend to always do the same things on the same days, and now that the girls are grown we don't leave out a mince pie and a glass of whisky for Father Christmas, she just goes into the kitchen and fetches her own whisky thank you very much.
We do pretty much always have a baked ham for tea on Christmas Eve, and sometimes we'll play a board game or cards as a family. Monopoly used to be a particular favourite and, of course, it will come as no surprise to regular readers that I have Star Trek TNG Monopoly, (and if Mum doesn't get to play with the little model Jean-Luc as her token there will be words had), but again, the girls being grown, it's as likely to be Poker or Cards Against Humanity these days.
Anyway without any real family traditions to share I am substituting a traditional Cornish Christmas Carol ~ The Sans Day Carol ~ St Day is a village near Redruth if you're wondering where the name comes from
Now to the piece of Christmas Stitching we are supposed to show. Ahem. Not got any. (Blush)
I was going to show the ornament I sent out for the Needlecraft Haven Ornament Exchange, but it's a secret exchange and since, unfortunately. a couple of them are held up in transit so we haven't had the reveal yet so I can't post that picture. I can post a picture of the one I received though, so we will have something pretty for those of you who have stuck with this long and rambling post.
Here it is.

It is so much more sparkly and beautiful in real life you can't begin to imagine. Thank you partner, I adore it.


  1. Thanks for taking part in the Advent Calendar Blog Hop this year.

    Lovely ornie and a nice carol to listen to while I updated the main page too!

  2. Love your post - it made me laugh about getting your own Whiskey! Beautiful piece of stitching that you have received. Hope you are enjoying your time building up to Christmas.

  3. What a lovely exchange gift. if we had Star trek Monopoly I would insist on having Jean-Luc Picard too:)

  4. Isn't this fun meeting new friends...thank you for sharing your story and the is beautiful

  5. I wonder who sent to you. Lol it's a gorgeous ornament

  6. The ornament is lovely. The minute I played the Sans Day Carol, I recognized it. I have a CD that I got at a music festival in Louisville,KY and that song was on the CD. It is my favorite holiday CD. It is a small world.

  7. What a lovely ornament you received!

  8. Beautiful ornament and a lovely song. Thank you.

  9. I just love Cards Against Humanity! Sounds like fun to me.

    Love your ornament. They are hard to capture the beauty in a picture but I can tell it's gorgeous!

  10. Enjoyed reading your post. Lovely ornament you got. Looking forward to your secret ornament exchange post:)

  11. Pretty, pretty ornament! Merry Christmas!

  12. Lovely post! we don't have a traditions as either we are here in Holland or in my birth place or hubby isn't home due to his work and he is leaving soon, so just me and the youngest...eldest is at uni and stays at the city for work after school.
    That is such a gorgeous ornament!

  13. Lovely post! This blog hop is a great way to hear about all the different traditions that people have around the world and each family is so different but there are also similarities... :o)
    The ornie you received is beautiful! Love the beaded tassels :o) Bet you can't wait to see who sent it to you...
    Hugs xx

  14. I enjoyed reading your post, and seeing tour Christmas stitching. Merry Christmas!

  15. Lovely Christmas ornament and post. I enjoyed reading about your Christmas Eve.

  16. Oh glory, the Baltimore crew came for Thanksgiving and we played c against h.......once I'd got over my initial shock I was quite good at it, lol, tied for first place!

  17. What a pretty ornament! I can't quite tell from the picture, is it all beaded, or is there some cross stitch too?

  18. Hi Christine, Hopping on from Jo's Advent calendar blog hop. The Christmas ornament is beautiful. Enjoyed reading about your holiday celebrations.

  19. A great blog hop post, Christine. Loved to read about the fact that you get your whiskey yourself now, lol. And Jean-Luc would be my token as well, lol.

  20. Hmm, might have to try whisky next year, milk seems rather boring now! I've never heard that song before, thanks for sharing it. Lucky you, what a beautiful ornament!
    Happy New Year!
