Sunday 7 June 2015

Gone to Pot

Not much crafting going on here lately so I thought I'd share a couple of garden pictures. I love heucheras, I've got several different coloured ones in pots around the garden so I couldn't resist buying this lovely dark one, "Liquorice" when I saw it at the Royal Cornwall Show last week. I've just finished planting it up into this display for by the front door alongside Cosmos "ChocaMocha", the chocolate cosmos, which is almost the same colour and has the added bonus of smelling exactly like chocolate.

I've seen a lot of pictures on Pinterest of "fairy gardens" made from broken terracotta pots, so I had a rummage and found a couple of old pots and some broken bits, and planted them up with some off shoots from my houseleeks, moss and a little bit of Corsican Mint

I'm not at all sure about this at the moment, it's nothing like the picture I had in my head, but I'm hoping it will look better when the little succulents establish themselves.


  1. Hey thanks! You just helped identify a mysterious plant I got in a clearance pot! After scouting around I think I have a Dolce Blackcurrant (Blackberry Jam) heuchera. Not positive though. At least I'll have a better idea of how to care for it!

    I am sure once the fairies move in, your new pot setup will start looking more like what you imagined! :D

  2. Love the plants, I've seen and thought about the fairy gardens but that's as far as mine has gone. You did a good job.

  3. Wow you did a great job..
    Love the lovely plant.
    Big hugs xx

  4. Doesn't Alan Titchmarsh say 'when you've seen one heuchera you've seen them all'... we are fans of them here too, your new one is a new one to me.

  5. I've seen some fairy garden photos recently too. They had pots broken right in half though. Bit dangerous for the Small Boy!

  6. Lovely plants and that is sure a good idea about the terracotta pots...thought i've seen a couple of those at the backyard, hope to do something with it too.
    Happy week!

  7. There are some very cool fairy gardens on Pinterest, I bet yours will look nicer once it grows in a little bit.
