Sunday 26 April 2015

Flowers and a Finish

But first for those of you who were left wondering, the superhero in the previous post was Iron Man.

Spring has sprung in my little corner of Cornwall and I took these snaps in the garden last week
The earlier flowering of my camellias is covered in blossom this year (I don't know the variety, it was in the garden when we moved in)

There are bluebells and primroses (we are all going to pretend we can't see the stinging nettle to the left of the picture OK?)

Some beautiful forsythia

And this mystery blossoming tree which has appeared where we thinned out a much bigger shrub that must have been hiding it.

The finish is a small sampler with a quote from "Shaun of the Dead".
If you are offended by four letter words then:-
a) you've probably never seen Shaun of the Dead, and
b) you really shouldn't scroll down.
Here in the best Mr X Stitch tradition is a cute picture to stop you scrolling too far and accidentally seeing the sweary stuff

(I love vintage greetings cards)

If you are still with me.

Shaun of the Dead Sampler, chart from Capes and Crafts, stitched on Kiwi Illusions  28ct Snowflakes and Ashes. Stitched more or less as charted, except that I moved some of the blood splats around to make it slightly smaller so that it would fit on the fabric, and I capitalised the w at the beginning because it would have bugged me otherwise


  1. Love it love it love it! One of my favourite films ever. What are your plans for the finished piece?

    1. Just popped back to thank you for the link to Capes and Crafts - they have some awesome charts!

  2. Woman, you TOTALLY rock! And what's the world coming to when we can't re-arrange our blood splats...Take that, CSI !! Moowahahaha! Epic. xxxx

  3. it's lovely seeing all the flowers coming out and adding some much needed colour to the gardens.

    Well done on your finish - love the fabric you stitched it on.

  4. Congrats on the finish!! The fabric is perfect for the sampler. Beautiful flowers:)

  5. Your garden must be looking so lovely and I thought perhaps you were saving the nettles to make a bit of nettle tea....

    Great stitching, are you keeping that or is it off to a young uni lady to impress her friends with what a cool mum she has.


  6. Lovely garden pictures and your fabric choice for your Shawn of the Dead quote is perfect.

  7. Christine I love it and I can see my grandchildren loving it. Going to have a look at the site now. Nettles encourage butterflies so you maybe you will have a few in your garden this year. To be truthful I really couldnt see the nettle , eyesight going as well as brain lol.

  8. Great finish! The blood splats look great.

    I do enjoy Mr X Stitch's blog posts too.

  9. Lovely spring flowers!
    Cute finish and i especially like the fabric colour you have use for it.

  10. that is brilliant! Great quote and it looks fab as a cross stitch with blood spatters!

  11. LOL love your finish, you always do the most quirky things and I love it! That fabric is just gorgeous perfect for so many things!

  12. Great finish, I love it, and beautiful flowers :)

  13. I have never seen Sean of the Dead but my girls love it! Love your finish though!

    Your flowers are looking lovely.
